The boys have all had a blast preparing for their Halloween parties this week. Seth had his at school this week and the whole school paraded around the block while all the parents watched and took pictures. He decided to be a punk rocker. He and his class had a great time! I couldn't resist getting a pic of that adorable dog all dressed up....what a cutie! Caleb is on student council and was double dared to be a baby girl. It's amazing what boys will do when they are challenged:) He actually wore some baggy PJ's of mine. I tried to get him to let me write on his bonnet "I love my mommy", but I think that was pushing it..:).. Jacob and Amanda were all dressed up as Scarecrow and Dorothy for a party her dad's family was hosting. Jacob and I had fun shopping for his costume and putting it together. He makes a great Scarecrow! Halloween is officially tomorrow here in our city so Seth is all geared up to meet with some of his best friends and go trick or treating. The whole city gets into like I've never seen before. Fun times!!
God the Builder
12 years ago
what have you done to my grandson?
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